Faculty Profile

Mr. N Santhosh

Assistant Professor

Master of Computer Applications

 [email protected], [email protected]



Research Areas:

Blockchain in IIoT(Industrial Internet of Things) and Machine Learning
Ph.D. (Pursuing), Anna University, Chennai.
MCA, Ganadipathi Thulsi’s Jain Engineering College,Kaniyambadi,Vellore, Anna University, 2012.
B.Sc.(Computer Science), C.Abdul Hakeem College, Melvisharam, Arcot, Thiruvalluvar University, 2009.
Working as an Assistant Professor (Consolidated), Thanthai Periyar Government Institute of Technology, Vellore from July 2013 to Till Date.
Worked as CCE in Aircel Ltd. from Sep 2012 to Feb 2013.


Full Stack Web Development (PG)
Data Mining and Data Warehouse (PG)
Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm (PG)
Wireless Networks (PG)
Mobile Application Development (PG)
Mobile Computing (PG)
Professional Ethics (PG)
Computer Programming (UG)
Computer Networks (UG)
Python Programming (PG)


Journal Paper:
1.N.Santhosh, (2022) “Real Time Video Recognition of Signs for Deaf and Dump Using Deep Learning” published in International Journal of Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 10 Issue VIII Aug 2022.
2.N.Santhosh, (2022) “Ocular Disease Diagnosis in Fundus Images Using Deep Learning” published in International Journal of Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 10 Issue VIII Aug 2022.
3.N.Santhosh, (2022) “Face Recognition Based Automated Student Attendance System” published in International Journal of Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 10 Issue VIII Aug 2022.
4.N.Santhosh, (2022) “Voice Based Email System for Blinds” published in International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 8, pp 1669-1672, August 2022.
5.N.Santhosh, (2022) “Bus Pass Renewal System Using Android Application” published in International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 8, pp 2188-2190, August 2022.
6.N.Santhosh, (2022) “HUGE RECORDS SOLITUDE BY ASPECTS OF BIG DATA IN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH” published in International Journal of Research of Engineering and Technology, Vol 6, November 2017.
Conference Papers:
1.Presented a paper titled “Building Estimation Prediction Using Machine Learning‟ in the National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems(NCEIS’22) organized by Government college of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India in Association with BOSCH Global Software Technologies Pvt Ltd on 28th April 2022.
1.Contributed as a Workshop Coordinator during face to face interaction on 6 and 7 October, 2018 of the Two-Week Faculty Development Programme(FDP101x) on “Foundation Program in ICT for Education” conducted by IIT Bombay.
2.Contributed as a Workshop Coordinator during face to face interaction on 17, 18, 24 and 25 November, 2018 of the Two-Week Faculty Development Programme(FDP201x) on “Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process” conducted by IIT Bombay.
1.Attended Faculty Enablement Program on “Foundation Program 4.0” held at Infosys Limited, Chennai from 29th Aug to 2nd Sep 2016 conducted by Infosys Limited.
2.Attended  AICTE approved Faculty Development Programme(FDP101x) on “Foundation Program in ICT for Education conducted by IIT Bombay from Aug 3 to Sep 7, 2017.


Institute Level
TPGIT Website Maintenance
TPGIT TNEA Facilitation Centre from 2018
Department Level
Faculty Advisor – MCA 2013 – 2016 Batch
Faculty Advisor – MCA 2016 – 2019 Batch
Faculty Advisor – MCA 2021 – 2023 Batch