Books Details

Reference Section

The College has a well stocked library with Books, Video courses and CDs pertaining to various disciplines. Apart from engineering texts and books of technical importance, a number of books of general value and interest are available. It has a wide collection of over 28,314 volumes. The students are updated with the latest information with the help of the numerous national and international journals subscribed by the library. SC/ST students are benefited by the functioning of a book bank.

The library follows the Open Access System. The Library is supervised by a senior member of staff on behalf of the Principal. The Library staff consists of two members. It is kept open on all week days from 10.00 am to 5.45 pm.

The library is a member of INDEST Consortium which enables the access to numerous IEEE, IEE, ACM journals online. 

Library Area:1250.00 Sq.Mts

S.No Department No. of Titles No. of Volumes
1 Civil 432 3756
2 Mechanical 564 4937
3 ECE 482 3989
4 EEE 394 3313
5 CSC 414 3827
6 MCA 111 1121
7 ME  75 850
8 General 205 1923
9 1st year S&H 486 4598
Total= 3113 28314

Online Journals-180