Principal Profile

Name Dr.P.K.Palani
Date of Birth 28.07.1965
Unique ID 1-7352984832
Education Qualifications Ph.D
Work Experience 36 years
Teaching/ Research/ Industry/ Others 36 years
Area of Specialization Mechanical Engineering
Courses taught at Diploma/ Post Diploma/ Under Graduate/ Post Graduate/ Post Graduate Diploma CAD/CAM, Robotics, RPT, Operational Research
Research guidance (Number of Students) 7
No. of papers published in National/International Journals/Conferences 60
Master (Completed/Ongoing)
Ph.D. (Completed/Ongoing) 06 Completed, 01 – Ongoing
Projects Carried out
Patents (Filed & Granted)
Technology Transfer
Research Publications (No. of papers published in National/International Journals/Conferences) 60
No. of Books published with details (Name of the book, Publisher with ISBN, year of publication, etc.)