All students shall enroll, on admission, in any one of the personality and character development program (the NCC/NSS/NSO/YRC) and undergo training for about 80 hours and attend a camp of about Seven days. The training shall include classes on hygiene and health awareness and also training in first-aid.
- National Service Scheme (NSS) will have social service activities in and around the College/Institution.
- National Sports Organization (NSO) will have Sports, Games, Drills and Physical Exercises.
- Youth Red Cross (YRC) will have activities related to social services in and around College/Institution.
- While the training activities will normally be during weekends, the camp will normally be during vacation period.
Every student shall put in a minimum of 75% attendance in the training and attend the camp compulsorily. The training and camp shall be completed during the first year of the program. However, for valid reasons, the Principal may permit a student to complete this requirement in the second year.